Prof. des Universités en Sciences Economiques
Professor in Economics
de Paris-Nanterre , SEGMI (dpt. d'Economie) EconomiX-CNRS (UMR 7235)
e.darmon "at" parisnanterre.fr
UFR Segmi, EconomiX - CNRS
Bureau/Office G307A Université Paris Nanterre
Bâtiment G - Maurice Allais, 200, Avenue de la République
92001 Nanterre cedex
CV/Resume (pdf)
Recherche / Research activities
Research topics
- My core research topic is Digital Economics with a special emphasis on digital platforms, software
industry and open source distribution, digital markets and digital
- I am also interested in Industrial Organization and Innovation Economics.
- I also workd in the past on Behavioural
economics especially in learning models in economics, search with
learning with use of multi-agent systems and computational analysis
Published papers
- Digital Piracy under a
Graduated Response Policy (with M.Arnold, S.Dejean and T.Penard), Journal of Institutional and
Theoretical Economics, 2019, 175 (2), pp. 372-393 (22), doi: 10.1628/jite-2018-0016
- The Impact of Organic
Links in Position Auctions with Popular vs. Niche Keywords (with M.Arnold
and T.Penard), International Journal
of Economic Theory, 14 (2018), 257–277, doi: 10.1111/ijet.12156
- Enchères, notation et
fixation du taux d’intérêt par la foule. Le cas d’une plateforme de
crowdlending (with N.Oriol and A.Rufini), Revue Française de Gestion, 2018
(4), N°273, 159-177, doi: 10.3166/rfg.2018.00253
- Private or Public Law
Enforcement? The Case of Digital Anti-Piracy Policies with Illegal Non-Monitored
Behaviors (with T. Le Texier), Review
of Network Economics, 2017, (15)4, doi: 10.1515/rne-2016-0027
- Dual Licensing Strategy
with Open Source Competition (with D.Torre), Managerial & Decision Economics, vol 38(3), April 2017, doi: 10.1002/mde.2847
- M-payment Use and
Remittances in developing countries: a theoretical analysis (with
L.Chaix and D.Torre), Revue
d’Economie Industrielle, n°156, 4ème trimestre 2016, pp.159-184, available from CAIRN
- La réponse graduée de l’Hadopi a-t-elle eu des effets sur le piratage
de musique et de films ? Une étude empirique des pratiques de consommation
en ligne (with S.Dejean and T.Penard), Revue
Economique, 2016n available from CAIRN
- Publisher's
announcements and piracy-monitoring devices in software adoption (with
A. Rufini and D. Torre), Annals of Economics and Statistics, 2014, vol.
104-105, pp. 409-430
- Proprietary
or Open Source software: winner takes all competition, partial adoption
and efficiency (with D.Torre and T. Le Texier), Revue d’Economie
Industrielle, n°136, 4ème trimestre 2011, pp. 109-140
- Special issue edited on 'Recent Advances in the Economics of Open
Source software'
of the International Journal of Open Source software & Processes
(publication of the Information Resources Management Association), vol.
1, No. 2 (April – June 2009), co-edited with D. Torre
- Back to
software "profitable piracy": the role of information diffusion,
(with A. Rufini and D. Torre), Economics Bulletin, 2009 Vol. 29 no.2,
pp. 543-553
- Open Source
and Commercial Platforms: is coexistence a temporary or a sustainable
outcome? (with D. Torre), International Journal of Open Source
software & Processes, 2009, vol. 1, No. 2, pp.67-80
- Nash vs
Reinforcement Learning on a Search Market: some Similarities and
Differences between Individual and Social learning, European
Journal of Economic and Social Systems, 2006, (vol.19), n°2
- Can Boundedly
Rational Sellers Learn to Play Nash Does it matter to play Nash?
Pricing with adaptive sellers (with R. Waldeck), Journal of
Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2006 (1) No. 2, pp. 147-169
- Convergence
of Reinforcement Learning to Nash Equilibrium: a search-market
experiment (with R. Waldeck), Physica A, september 2005, vol.
355, pp. 119-130.
- Adoption and
Use of Electronic Markets: Individual and Collective Learning
(with D. Torre), Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, march
2004, vol. 7, n°2.
- Transition
vers un Marché Electronique et Communautés Médiatées (with D.
Torre), Revue d’Economie Politique, march 2004, vol. 113, pp. 91-115.
Working papers (latest version
available on request or on SSRN)
- Multimarket
Contact and Platform Competition: Reassessing the Mutual Forbearance
Hypothesis (with Thomas Le Texier, Thierry Penard and Zhiwen Li)
- Project filtering in Crowdfunding platforms (with Thomas Le Texier)
- Lending Robots and Human Crowds: Interest Rate Determination on a Reverse Auction Platform (with A. Rufini and N. Oriol)
Position papers / Other papers: Resume/CV
Editorial activity, ongoing participation to funded research projects
and networks: Resume/CV
Enseignement/Teaching activities
Enseignements actuels / Current Teaching
- Université Paris-Nanterre
- Game Theory,
Masters Economie du Droit, Economie de l'Environnement de l'Energie et
des Transports, Master Analyse & Politique Economiques
- Economie de l'Innovation, de l'Entreprise et des Marchés (approfondissements), Cursus Master Ingéniérie Data Science for Social Sciences & Master Innovation Entreprise Société
- Games, Cooperation & Negociation, Master 2 Economie du Droit
- Economie Industrielle, Licence 3 Economie
- Macroéconomie A, Licence 1 Eco-Gestion
- Université
de Rennes 1
- Economie du logiciel et des systèmes d'information, Master 1 Management de l'Innovation parcours Stratégies Digitales et Innovation Numérique
- Applications & Simulation de processus logistiques sous VBA, Master 2 Gestion de Production Logistique Achats (parcours Logistique)
- Université de Montpellier, Application de méthodes quantitatives à l'économie numérique Master 2 Pro Métiers
du Conseil
- Autres activités liées à l'enseignement / other teaching activities: Resume/CV
modified: August 2021
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